Quik VMail - Screen Shots


Press the Start Recording button to manually start a voice memo recording.   The total recorded is shows at the top center of the display when a voice memo is being recorded. 

The default is that the App starts recording as soon as it is displayed.  This can be configured in Settings.


Press the Stop Recording button to stop any currently recording memo and have it automatically sent to the selected E-Mail address from the Settings tab.  If the manual stop button is not pressed, it will automatically stop when the duration from Settings is reached.

Press the Cancel Recording button to cancel any currently message being recorded.  The Cancel button is displayed for only the first 10 seconds of recording.

Use the Auto Record Start button to control whether the app starts recording a voice memo as soon as it is displayed.  This the default setting.  Turn this switch off to manually start each voice memo recording.

Enter the E-Mail address to be used to receive the recorded voice memos.  You can manually enter an E-Mail address or use the Select Contact button to select a contact from your address book and an associated E-Mail address.

Use the Max Time slider to set the max duration for a recorded voice memo.  The default is 2 minutes and you can set any value between 1 and 10 minutes.

Press the "Help" button at top right to see the help information display.

The app includes a history tab to track all generated messages. Each is shown with the date created. 

A details display provides step by step playback over the iPhone speaker, as well as the option to resend the same voice memo again. 

A delete button is also provided to delete previously sent messages as desired. 


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Last modified: May 16, 2012