DX QuickPic


DX QuickPic

DX QuickPic is a simple camera app to make the task of taking a picture with your iPhone easy.  The resulting camera image is saved to the internal camera roll and optionally E-Mailed to a user selected address.  It offers one button operation for the entire process.  Also works well as a time delay photo capability to give you time to set it down and get in the resulting picture too.

The app, by default, opens up the camera interface as it is started and presents the default focus square.  A few seconds later, the picture is automatically taken and stored in the normal camera roll of previous pictures.  Beeps and an onscreen display shows the time remaining until the automatic picture is taken.  A cancel button is also provided if the process needs to be canceled by the user.  Makes it very easy to hold the iPhone with 2 fingers in any position and still get a good automatic picture.

An option is provided to enable starting the picture taking process by using the iPhone volume control on the side.  Press either the volume up or down and the picture process begins.

After the picture is stored, an optional E-Mail can be send to a user selected address with the picture as an attachment.

If a E-Mail message fails to send, due to lack of a solid Internet connection, it will be re-queued up to 5 times later for resending.  If a connection is still lacking, the message will be saved and sent later when the next successful picture is taken.

The app includes a history tab to track all generated pictures.  Each is shown with the date created.  A details display provides an image review, as well as the option to resend the same picture E-Mail again.  A delete button is also provided to delete previously taken picture references as desired.

A settings tab offers options to control the start of automatic picture taking, the E-Mail address to be used for receiving recorded voice memos, and a slider to control the maximum time before the automatic picture is captured.  The option to enabled/disable the automatic E-Mail sending is also included.

DX QuickPic is designed for Apple iOS 4.x and iPhone 3GS, iPad, and later devices.  While it can operate in earlier versions of hardware, like the iPhone 3G model, not all features work exactly the same with older iPhone hardware.  See website for information about limitations.

Current product version: 1.0.0


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Last modified: June 21, 2011