Chemo Aid - Screen Shots


Use the Select Chemo Start Date button to select the date and time of the next scheduled chemo treatment.

Press the Schedule Cold Cap Related Events button to schedule all the cold cap and medication related events.

Use the Cancel Cold Cap Scheduled Events to cancel any previously schedule chemo events


The list of cold cap related events is shown in the scroll table.  Clicking on each will show more details about the process associated with that step.  

After the events have been schedule, each will appear as a notification on your iOS device at the scheduled time.




This list shows the current defined medications associated with chemo treatment.  Click on any med to see details about that medication and/or to edit or make changes to the medication or schedule.

Click the Add button to add a new medication to the current list




Click on the Med field to select the desired medication.  You can either choose one from the predefined list, or type in your own name.

Edit the Note field with any notes you need for this medication.

Click on the Quantity field to select the number of pills to take at each schedule medication time.

Use the Start relative to Chemo switch to set those medications whose schedule are related to when chemo starts.

Click on the Repeat field to select how often a given medication is taken.

Click on the Start Date field to select when this medication schedule begins.  Meds that are relative to chemo date will have options relative to this date.

Click on the End Date to select the end date for this medication.  Meds that are relative to chemo date will have options relative to this date.

The Resources list provides a list of web sites that offer various kinds of information to chemo patients.  Each listing shows a short description and a link to the actual web site where more data is available.





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Last modified: May 16, 2012